It Lives In The Closet is an upcoming horror/coming-of-age story that serves as an ode to 80’s Amblin films while also telling an innovative take on the monster in the closet trope.

The film is directed by Mike Suchmann, co-directed and produced by Kathryn Ferentchak and shot by Henry Grenier.

The film stars the talented child actor, Tyler Wladis who can currently be seen on ABC’s sitcom, “Single Parents.”

In "It Lives In The Closet," young Benji is terrified of the notion that there's something living in his bedroom closet. Lisa, his mother comforts him but obviously dismisses his fears and blames them on his absent father. Yet, when Benji goes to bed that night, something very real does emerge from the closet. Something not human. The very talented cinematographer Henry Grenier ( was the Director of Photography on this project. Kathryn Ferentchak produced the film, as well as co-directed it.